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Evolution important points For NEET

Evolution important points For NEET

Evolution important points For NEET : Evolution is a process by which the different species of the living organisms develop and change over the time. It is driven by the natural selection, process by which the organisms with advantageous traits survive and reproduce more successfully than those with less advantageous traits.

The theory of evolution was first proposed by Charles Darwin in 19th century. Darwin’s theory of evolution by the natural selection suggests that all the species of the living organisms descended from a common ancestor and that diversity of life is result of a branching process known as speciation, where the populations become genetically isolated and diverge from each other over the time.

The evidence for the evolution comes from a variety of sources, including the fossil records, comparative anatomy, molecular biology, and biogeography. The fossil record provides a record of  evolution of life on Earth, showing how the different organisms have evolved and changed over the time. Comparative anatomy allows the scientists to compare physical features of the different species, which can reveal the similarities and differences that indicates the evolutionary relationships. Molecular biology has also provided important evidence for the evolution, such as fact that all the living organisms uses the same genetic code and existence of the genetic vestiges that indicates the common ancestry. Biogeography examines  distribution of the living organisms around world, and how these distributions are influenced by the evolutionary history.

Over the course of millions of years, evolution has led to development of a wide variety of the different species, each adapted to their own unique environments and niches. The theory of evolution has the significant implications for our understanding of natural world, and has been applied in the fields such as medicine, agriculture, and conservation.

Evolution important points, Evolution important points, Evolution important points, Evolution important points, Evolution important points, Evolution important points, Evolution important points, Evolution important points, Evolution important points

NCERT biology class 12 chapter 7 – 25 important points on evolution

Evolution important points

There are 25 important points on evolution important points:

1. Evolution is a  process of the gradual change in inherited characteristics of the populations of the organisms over time.

2. The idea of evolution was first proposed by Charles Darwin in his book “On the Origin of Species” in the year 1859.

3. Natural selection is a  main mechanism of evolution. It is the process by which the organisms that are better adapted to their environment are more likely to survive and reproduce.

4. Genetic mutations are ultimate source of the genetic variation upon which natural selection acts.

5. Evolution occurs at population level, not the individual level.

6. The study of the fossils provides the evidence of the past life and how it has been changed over time.

7. The study of the embryology can provide evidence of the evolutionary relationships between the organisms.

8. Comparative anatomy and the molecular biology can also provide evidence of the evolutionary relationships.

9. The tree of life is a visual representation of evolutionary history of life on Earth.

10. All the living things on Earth shares a common ancestor.

11. Evolution can occur rapidly, as in case of antibiotic-resistant bacteria, or slowly, over millions of the years.

12. Evolution does not have  predetermined endpoint or goal.

13. Evolutionary processes can result in formation of the new species through the process of speciation.

14. Convergent evolution is a process by which the unrelated organisms evolves  similar features due to  the similar selective pressures.

15. Coevolution is a process by which the two or more species evolve in response to each other.

16. Evolution is not just a biological phenomenon, but also occurs in the human culture and society.

17. Humans have influenced evolution of other organisms through the selective breeding and habitat destruction.

18. The study of the evolution has many practical applications, including medicine and agriculture.

19. Evolutionary psychology is  study of how the evolutionary processes have shaped the human mind and behavior.

20. Evolutionary biology has been subject of controversy in some religious and cultural circles.

21. The theory of the evolution is widely accepted by scientific community and is supported by a vast amount of the evidence.

22. Evolutionary theory is constantly being refined and updated as the new evidence becomes available.

23. Evolutionary theory has been integrated with the positive other fields of science, including ecology, genetics, and molecular biology.

24. The study of evolution of the viruses is important for understanding and controlling spread of the diseases.

25. Understanding  mechanisms of the evolution is critical for addressing the important societal issues such as the climate change and the biodiversity loss.

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