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Biology Important Points For NEET Class 11

NEET Biology Important Points

Biology Important Points For NEET Class 11 – NEET (National Eligibility Cum Entrance Exam) is a single National Level Entrance Exam for medical aspirants who wants to start their carrier in the medical field. This exam provides a platform for the students to enter into a medical college to persue different medical courses across the country in medical field. This exam consists of three subjects including Biology, Chemistry, And Physics. It is total of 720 marks with a total of 200 multiple choice questions.

The paper mainly consists of Biology which has two parts including Botany And Zoology. And you need to study all the important points of this subject, including the previous year question paper with answers, important notes, short tricks with mnemonics, and some important diagrams from NCERT. As the syllabus is very vast, so you need to focus more on the important points for your revision before your exam, as it helps you to recall the whole syllabus with proper time management.

Out of the three main subjects Biology is quite easy ,scoring and less time taking as it basically contains only theory and not numericals or problem solving . So our main focus should be Biology first.

Biology Important Points For NEET Class 11 – NCERT

This page consists of Biology Important Points for NEET Exam class 11 whole syllabus chapter wise and you can download it from the links given.

NEET Biology Important Points

Biology Important Points For NEET Class 11 – Very Important

This section consists of the important points from all the chapters of Biology class 11 with their respective links.

Chapter name Access link
The Living WorldClick here
Biological ClassificationClick here
Plant kingdomClick here
Animal KingdomClick here
Anatomy of Flowering PlantsClick here
Structural Organization in AnimalsClick here
BiomoleculesClick here
Cell The Unit of LifeClick here
Cell Cycle and Cell DivisionClick here
Mineral NutritionClick here
Transportation in plantsClick here
Photosynthesis in higher plantsClick here
Respiration in plantsClick here
Plant growth and developmentClick here
Digestion and AbsorptionClick here
Breathing and Exchange of GasesClick here
Body Fluids and CirculationClick here
Locomotion & MovementsClick here
Excretory Products and their EliminationClick here
Neural Control and CoordinationClick here
Chemical Coordination and IntegrationClick here
Biology Important Points For NEET Class 11

Click here for Biology Important Points For NEET Class 12

If you want to learn more important points like this post Biology Important Points For NEET Class 11, CLICK HERE


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