Here you will get Garima Goel Telegram Channel Link and on that channel you can get daily classes updates and free study materials like notes for NEET Biology study.
Garima Goel Telegram
As you know Garima Goel is no longer associated with Unacademy Edtech company and now she is working with NEET Adda on full time basis.

You can get her lecture videos on youtube channel for free and there is also a paid content available by her on APP where she is teaching now.
A place from where you can get her all study materials and every classes details on time is from her telegram channel on daily basis.
So if you are also preparing for NEET or your board exams like CBSE, ICSE and anything else and want to follow her study materials and videos lectures then join this garima goel telegram channel for free.
Click on the given button above to subscribe Garima Goel Telegram Channel and get every class detail on time.