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Respiration In Plants Mcq Important questions For Neet Pdf – NCERT Biology Class 11 Chapter 14 For NEET, CBSE

Respiration In Plants Mcq Important questions For Neet Pdf – NCERT Biology Class 11 Chapter 14 For NEET, CBSE

Respiration In Plants Mcq which is totally based on NCERT Class 11 and Previous year asked questions. NEET level questions with well explained Answer Key.

This chapter ( Respiration In Plants Mcq ) belongs to NCERT Biology class 11 and Chapter 14 for NEET and CBSE students.

All these questions of Respiration In Plants Mcq Important questions For Neet are based on NCERT and previous year paper.

Respiration In Plants Mcq
Respiration in plants mcq

Answer key for Respiration In Plants Mcq are also given at the end of this page.

All the best.

Respiration In Plants Mcq Important questions For Neet

1) The energy releasing process in which the substrate is oxidised without an external electron acceptor is called?
a) Aerobic respiration b) Glycolysis
c) Fermentation d) Photorespiration

2) How many net ATP molecules are obtained from fermentation of 1 molecule of glucose?
a) 2 b) 4
c) 3 d) 5

3) In anaerobic respiration, from one glucose molecule how many total ATP molecules are formed?
a) 2 b) 8
c) 6 d) 4

4) The incomplete breakdown of sugars in anaerobic respiration results in the formation of?
a) Fructose and water
b) Glucose and CO2
c) Alcohol and CO2
d) Water and CO2

5) When a molecule of pyruvic acid is subjected to anaerobic oxidation and forms lactic acid, there is?
a) Loss of 3 ATP molecules
b) Loss of 6 ATP molecules
c) Gain of 2 ATP molecules
d) Gain of 4 ATP molecules

6) During cellulose fermentation by anaerobic bacteria in rumen and reticulum, cellulose is majorly converted into?
a) Lactic acid b) Ethyl alcohol
c) Volatile acids d) CO2

7) Fermentation is?
a) Anaerobic respiration after glycolysis outside cell
b) Incomplete oxidation of carbohydrate inside matrix
c) Complete oxidation of carbohydrates
d) None of the above

8) Which of the following minerals activate the enzymes involved in respiration?
a) Nitrogen and phosphorus
b) Magnesium and manganese
c) Potassium and calcium
d) Sulphur and iron

9) During anaerobic respiration in yeast?
a) Water and CO2 are end products
b) CO2, C2H5OH and energy are end products
c) H2S, C6H12O6 and energy the end products
d) H2O, CO2 and energy are the only end products

10) During anaerobic respiration the conversion of pyruvate into acetaldehyde, along with co-enzyme TPP, the cofactor required is?
a) Na+
b) Mn++
c) Fe++
d) Zn++

11) During lactic acid fermentation, …………..?
a) O2 is used, CO2 is liberated
b) Neither O2 is used, nor CO2 is liberated
c) O2 is used, CO2 is not liberated
d) O2 is not used, CO2 is liberated

12) When protein is aerobically oxidized the RQ (Respiration Quotient) value will be?
a) One b) Zero
c) More than one d) Less than one

13) There is no direct transfer of electron from cyt b to cyt c as?
a) Energy is not available
b) The two are not nearby
c) Electrons are transported in pairs
d) Electrons have no affinity for cytochromes.

14) Number of oxygen atoms required for complete oxidation of pyruvic acid is?
a) 6 b) 12
c) 3 d) 0

15) Which of the following biomolecules is common to respiration-mediated breakdown of fats, carbohydrates and proteins?
a) Pyruvic acid
b) Acetyl CoA
c) Glucose-6-phosphate
d) Fructose 1,6-bisphosphate

16) Which of the following metabolites enter the TCA cycle during glucose oxidation?
a) Oxaloacetic acid
b) Pyruvic acid
c) Acetyl CoA
d) Malic acid

17) Electrons from NADH produced in the mitochondrial matrix during citric acid cycle are oxidized by?
a) Complex II b) Complex III
c) Complex I d) Complex IV

18) There are various types of ATPase pump found in different types of cells of these, F-type,ATPase, also are found in all of the following except?
a) Inner membrane of mitochondria
b) Thylakoid membrane of chloroplasts
c) Plasma membrane of fungi
d) All are correct

19) Which statement is wrong for Kreb’s cycle?
a) There is one point in the cycle where FAD+ is reduced to FADH2
b) During conversion of succinyl CoA to succinic acid, a molecule of GTP is synthesised
c) The cycle starts with condensation of acetyl group(acetyl CoA) with pyruvic acid to yield cirtic acid
d) There are three points in the cycle where NAD+ is reduced to NADH + H+

20) A glucose fed yeast cell is moved an aerobic environment to an anaerobic one. For the cell continue generating ATP at the same rate, of glucose consumption should increase?
a) 2 times b) 4 times
c) 19 times d) 38 times

21) Which of the following enzymes involved in Kreb’s cycle is not present in the mitochondrial matrix?
a) Aconitase b) Malate dehydrogenase
c) Fumarase d) Succinate dehydrogenase

22) HMP shunt is a set of reactions?
a) Cyanide resistant pathway
b) Which bypasses EMP route of glucose oxidation
c) Both of the above
d) Which converts glucose to phosphoglycerate

23) Pentose phosphate pathway, an alternative pathway of respiration was elucidated by?
a) Horecker b) Warburg and Dickens
c) Blackman d) Kelvin

24) In hexose monophosphate shunt, the number of CO2 moelcules evolved is?
a) Same as in glycolysis
b) Less than glycolysis
c) More than glycolysis
d) Much lesser than glycolysis

25) Which of the following is produced in oxidative pentose phosphate pathway?
a) Pyruvic acid b) Acetyl CoA
c) NADH2 d) NAD(P)H

26) Which of the following respiratory material may show the unit value of R. Q.?
a) Stem of wheat b) Leaf of barley
c) Leaf of oat d) All the above

27) Substance whose RQ is less than one is?
a) Carbohydrate b) Protein
c) Organic acid d) All the above

28) The energy content in Kcal/g of carbohydrates : protein : Triglycerol respectively is approximately in the ratio of?
a) 1 : 2 : 2 b) 1 : 1 : 2
c) 2 : 1 : 1 d) 2 : 2 : 1

29) The respiratory quotient during cellular respiration would depend on?
a) The nature of enzymes involved
b) The nature of the susbtrate
c) The amount of carbon dioxide released d) The amount of oxygen utilized

30) R. Q. in anaerobic respiration is?
a) 0
b) ∞
c) 1
d) > 1

31) The R. Q. of a plant organ depends upon the nature of the substrate which is?
a) Reduced b) Oxidized
c) Catabolized d) Metabolized

32) In Opuntia, in night the R. Q. will be?
a) One b) Less than one
c) More than one d) Zero

33) The R. Q. value of oxalic acid is?
a) 1.0 b) 0.7
c) 4 d) 1.5

34) In germinating castor seeds, the R. Q. is?
a) One b) More than one
c) Less than one d) Zero

35) R. Q. of malic acid is?
a) 0.7 b) 1
c) More than one d) 4

36) The correct relationship of value of Respiratory Quotient is?
a) Glucose > Fats > Organic acid
b) Glucose < Fats < Organic acid c) Fats > Glucose > Organic acid
d) Fats < Glucose < Organic acid

37) R.Q. is more than one in case of?
a) Fat b) Fructose
c) Glucose d) Organic acid

38) R. Q. of sprouting potato tubers will be?
a) 1 b) < 1 c) > 1 d) 0

39) The potato growing in hilly areas is bigger in size due to?
a) High rate of photosynthesis at high altitude
b) Low rate of respiration at high altitude
c) Due to formation of more fat
d) None of the above

40) When an unripe banana is sealed in a polythene bag, it remains green for many days. But if an apple is also sealed in the same bag, the banana ripens and turns yellow within a few days. The reason is that apple?
a) Removes O2 released by the banana and thus promotes ripening
b) Produces CO2 which promotes ripening
c) Removes CO2 which inhibits ripening
d) Release ethylene which promotes ripening

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Respiration In Plants Mcq Important questions For Neet – Answer Key

1) C. Fermentation

2) A. 2 ATP net gain (Total produced – 4 ;Total invested – 2 ; So net gain is 2)

3) D. 4 ATP total produced

4) C. C6H12O6 → 2C2H5OH + 2CO2 + 28 Kcal

5) A. Loss of 3 ATP molecules (= because one NADH2 is used in this conversion which may give 3 ATP)

6) C. Volatile acids (acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acids) – Like other vertebrates, ruminant Artiodactyla (including cattle, deer, and their relatives) are unable to digest plant material directly, because they lack enzymes to break down cellulose in the cell walls. Digestion in ruminants occurs sequentially in a four-chambered stomach. Plant material is initially taken into the Rumen, where it
is processed mechanically and exposed to bacteria than can break down cellulose (foregut fermentation). The Reticulum allows the animal to regurgitate & reprocess particulate matter (“chew its cud”). More finely-divided food is then passed to the Omasum, for further mechanical processing. The mass is finally passed to the true stomach, the Abomassum, where the digestive enzyme lysozyme breaks down the bacteria so as to release nutrients. Use of plant material is thus indirect, with primary processing by the bacterial flora maintained in the stomach. The Perissodactyla (including horses, rhinoceroses, and tapirs) have evolved a less efficient form of ruminant digestion. Bacterial fermentation occurs primarily in the intestine (hindgut fermentation), such that extraction of nutrients from plant material is less complete.The acidogenic and actogenic bacteria utilize the monosaccharides from the first hydrolysis step to produce acetic, propionic, butyric acids, hydrogen (H2) and carbon dioxide (CO2). TheVFA including acetic acid, propionic acid and butyric acids areabsorbed by the intestinal epithelia in the rumen.

7) A. In absence of O2, fermentation or anaerobic respiration occurs. Fermentation is actually anaerobic respiration outside cell.

8) B. Magnesium and manganese

9) B. During anaerobic respiration in yeast glucose formed CO2, C2H5OH and energy.

10) D. Zn++ is important for decarboxylation

11) B. Neither O2 is used, nor CO2 is liberated

12) D. Less than one

13) B. The two are not nearby

14) A. 6 Oxygen atom (three molecule)

15) B. Acetyl CoA

16) C. Acetyl CoA

17) C. Complex I

18) C. Plasma membrane of fungi not have ATPase while bacterial membrane has it.

19) C. The cycle starts with condensation of acetyl group (acetyl CoA) with pyruvic acid to yield cirtic acid

20) C. 19 times

21) D. Succinate dehydrogenase present on inner mitochondrial membrane

22) C. HMP is an alternate method of aerobic respiration and occurs in cytoplasm. It is Cyanide resistant & alternate to glycolysis.

23) B. PPP was described by Warburg (1953) and Dickens (1938).

24) C. More than glycolysis ; No CO2
evolved in glycolysis

25) D. NAD(P)H which is used in biosynthetic pathways

26) D. In the above green organs the value of R. Q. is always one because in them for respiration hexose molecule is needed, in which CO2 and O2 molecules are equal.

27) B. Since amount of CO2 released is less than absorbed O2, therefore the value of RQ(CO2/O2) is less than unity.

28) B. 1 : 1 : 2

29) B. The nature of the susbtrate

30) B. ∞ because without intake of oxygen the CO2 is released

31) B. Respiratory quotient depends upon the type of substrate participating in respiration.

32) D. Zero because No CO2 evolved

33) C. 4 is the RQ value for Oxalic acid

34) C. In germinating castor seeds, respiratory substrate is fat. Maize contains carbohydrate and groundnut seed contains fatty acid. R. Q. of these substances are respectively less than 1. Thus total R. Q. will be less than one.

35) C. 1.33

36) D. Fats < Glucose < Organic acid

37) D. Organic acid have RQ more than 1


38) A. 1 (Starch is used)

39) B. Low rate of respiration at high altitude due to low temperature

40) D. In apple, gaseous hormone ethylene is produced which helps in ripening of banana to convert it yellow

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