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Class 11 Biology MCQ for NEET – NCERT Based Chapterwise Quiz For NEET Important Questions

Class 11 Biology MCQ for NEET
Class 11 Biology MCQ for NEET

NEET EXAM BOOSTER provides a bunch of quiz for your preparation of Class 11 Biology MCQ for NEET which may help you to know the NEET question difficulty level. Class 11 Important questions with answer key is also available in this article.

You will find the link for both quiz and important questions together in given table below for Class 11 Biology MCQ for NEET.

Class 11 Biology MCQ for NEET – Quiz

All of these questions are based on NCERT and Previous year asked questions.

Class 11 Biology MCQ for NEET
Class 11 Biology MCQ for NEET
Chapter NameQuiz Link
The Living WorldPlay Now
Biological ClassificationPlay Now
Plant KingdomPlay Now
Animal KingdomPlay Now
Morphology of flowering plantsPlay Now
Anatomy of flowering plantsPlay Now
Cell: the unit of lifePlay Now
BiomoleculesPlay Now
Cell Cycle and cell divisionPlay Now
Transport in PlantsPlay Now
Structural organisation in AnimalsPlay Now
Mineral nutritionPlay Now
Photosynthesis in higher plantsPlay Now
Respiration in plantsPlay Now
Plant Growth and developmentPlay Now
Digestion and AbsorptionPlay Now
Breathing and Exchange of GasesPlay Now
Body fluids and circulationPlay Now
Excretory products and their eliminationPlay Now
Locomotion and MovementPlay Now
Neural Control and CoordinationPlay Now
Chemical Coordination and IntegrationPlay Now

Class 11 Biology MCQ for NEET – Important Questions

Class 11 Biology MCQ for NEET
Chapter NameQuestions Link
The Living WorldOpen Now
Biological ClassificationOpen Now
Plant KingdomOpen Now
Animal KingdomOpen Now
Morphology of flowering plantsOpen Now
Anatomy of flowering plantsOpen Now
Cell: the unit of lifeOpen Now
BiomoleculesOpen Now
Cell Cycle and cell divisionOpen Now
Transport in PlantsOpen Now
Structural organisation in AnimalsOpen Now
Mineral nutritionOpen Now
Photosynthesis in higher plantsOpen Now
Respiration in plantsOpen Now
Plant Growth and developmentOpen Now
Digestion and AbsorptionOpen Now
Breathing and Exchange of GasesOpen Now
Body fluids and circulationOpen Now
Excretory products and their eliminationOpen Now
Locomotion and MovementOpen Now
Neural Control and CoordinationOpen Now
Chemical Coordination and IntegrationOpen Now

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