Biology important points for NEET quick revision

🌳🐍 BIODIVERSITY🌲 biology important points for neet
Revision pointzzzz🌈🌈….
🐛🐛 Term biodiversity was popularised by Edward wilson
🐟🐟 There are about 20,000 species of ants, 3,00,000 species of beetles, 28,000 species of fishes & 20,000 species of orchids
🐝🐝 India has 50,000 genetically different strains of rice and 1000 varieties of mango
🐞🐞 Acc to IUCN (2004), No.of species discovered and described range about 1.5 million {Biology important points for NEET}
🐲🐲 Robert may estimate – total no.of species is around 7 million
🐉🐉 More than 70% of species discovered are animals
🐜🐜 More than 70% of animals are insects
🐌🐌 Plants constitute not more than 22% of total species
🐬🐬 Total no.of species of fungi is more than combined total of fishes, amphibians, reptiles and mammals
🐥🐥 India occupy 2.4% of total land surface but they contribute 8.1% of total biodiversity
🐦🐦 There are about 45,000 species of plants and twice as many animals are discovered in india
🐢🐢 Acc to robert estimate…only 22% of total no.of species have been discovered
🐏🐏 There are 1,00,000 plant species and more than 3,00,000 animals species are yet to be discovered in india
🐀🐀 Columbia has 1400 species of birds…newyork – 105 species of birds, Greenland – 56 species
🐦🐦 India has 1200 species of birds Amazonian rain forest in south

🌲🌲america has 1300 species of birds, 40000 species of plants, 427 amphibians, 427 mammals, 378 reptiles, more thab 1,25,000 invertebrates
🌱🌱 The colonisation of tropical pacific island by humans has led to the extinction of 2000 species of native birds
🌴🌴 Over 784 species have extincted in past 500 years ( 359 invertebrates, 338 vertebrates & 87 plants )
🌵🌵 In last 20 years, 27 species disappeared
🌴🌴 Around 15,500 species are facing threat of extinction
🌾🌾 32% amphibians, 31% gymnosperms, 23% mammals, & 12% birds are facing threat of extinction 🙏🙏
SUMMARY OF HUMAN PHYSIOLOGY biology important points for neet
Here is some biology important points for class 11 ans 12 for online education
2: Number of Muscles 639
3: Number of Kidneys 2
4: Number of Milk Teeth 20
5: Number of Ribs 24 (12 pair)
6: Number of Heart Chamber 4
7: Largest artery Aorta
8: Normal blood pressure
9: Ph of Blood 7.4
10: Number of vertebrae in the Spine 33
11: Number of vertebrae in the Neck 7
12: Number of Bones in Middle Ear 6
13: Number of Bones in Face 14
14: Number of Bones in Skull 22
15: Number of Bones in Chest 25
16: Number of Bones in Arms 6
17: Number of Muscles in Human Arm 72
18: Number of Pumps in Heart 2
19: Largest Organ Skin
20: Largest gland Liver
21: Biggest cell female Ovum
22: Smallest cell male Sperm
23: Smallest Bone Stape
24: First transplanted Organ Heart
25: Average length of Small Intestine 7m
26: Average length of Large Intestine 1.5m
27: Average weight of new Born baby 2.6kg
28: Pulse rate in One Minute 72 times
29: Normal body temperature 37 C° (98.4 F°)
30: Average Blood Volume 4 to 5 liters
31: Life Span of RBC 120 days
32: Life Span of WBC 13to 20 days
33: Pregnancy Period 280 days (40 week)
34: Number of Bones in Human Foot 33
35: Number of Bones in Each wrist 8
36: Number of Bones in Hand 27
37: Largest Endocrine gland Thyroid
38: Largest Lymphatic Organ Spleen
39: Largest part of Brain Cerebrum
40: Largest & Strongest Bone Femur
41: Smallest Muscle Stapedius (Middle Ear)
41: Number of Chromosome 46 (23 pair)
42: Number of Bones in new Born baby 306
43: Viscosity of Blood 4.5 to 5.5
44: Universal Donor Blood Group O
45: Universal Recipient Blood Group AB
46: Largest WBC Monocyte
47: Smallest WBC Lymphocyte lb
48: Increase RBC count called Polycethemia
49: Blood Bank in the Body is Spleen
50: Non Nucleated Blood cell is RBC
51: RBC produced in the Bone Marrow
52: River of Life is Called Blood
53: Normal Blood Cholesterol level 250mg/dl
54: Fluid part of Blood is Plasma
55: Normal Blood Sugar 100mg
group 🧠
Diseases Caused by Bacteria/Virus/Protozoa. biology important points for neet online eduction
📕Diseases caused by Bacteria:
🍀Cholera – Vibrio choleraei
💈Anthrax– Bacillus anthracise
💈Diphtheria – Corynebacterium diphtheriae
📫Leprosy – Mycobacterium leprae
📮Botulism – Clostridium botulinum
📭Syphilis – Treponema pallidum
🍀Tetanus – Clostridium tetani
🌴Trachoma – Chlamydia trachomatis
🌴Tuberculosis – Mycobacterium tuberculosis
🍀Typhoid fever – Salmonella typhi.
🌱Whooping cough– Bordetella pertussis
📕Diseases caused by Virus::
📫AIDS – Human Immunodeficiency Virus(HIV)
📮Influenza – Influenza virus
📭Mumps- Mumps Virus
🌴Polio – Polio Virus
🌱Chicken Pox – Varicella zoster virus
🍀Small Pox – It is caused by either of two virus variants, Variola major and Variola minor.
🌴Measles- Measles Virus
🍀Dengue fever – Dengue Virus
📭Chikungunya – Chikungunya virus.
📫Rabies – Rabies virus
📕Diseases caused by Fungi::
📭Athlete’s foot – caused by the mold known as Epidermophyton floccosum
📕Diseases caused by Protozoa
📫Malaria – Plasmodium vivax
💊Amoebic dysentery – Entamoeba histolytica
FATHER’S WORLD biology important points for neet
Father of Biology : Aristotle
Father of Modern Biology: Linnaeus
Father of Antibiotics : Alexander Fleming
Father of Taxonomy : Carolus Linnaeus
Father of Immunology : Edward Jenner
Father of Microbiology : Anton van Leenuwenhoek
Father of Modern Microbiology : Louis Pasteur
Father of Medical Microbiology : Robert Koch
Father of Pathology : Rudolph Virchow
Father of Bacteriology : Robert Koch
Father of Virology : W.M.Stanley
Father of Embryology : Aristotle
Father of Modern Embryology : Ernst Von Baer
Father of Physiology : Stephan Hales
Father of Modern experimental physiology : Calude Bernard
Father of Genetics : Rev. Gregor Mendel
Father of Modern Genetics : Bateson
Father of Human Genetics/ Biochemical genetics : Arachibald Garrod
Father of Experimental Genetics : T.H. Morgan
Father of Haploid Genetics / Neurospora Genetics : Dodge
Father of Ecology : Theophrastus
Father of Cloning : Ian Willmut
Father of Plant anatomy : Grew
Father of Histology (Microscopic anatomy) : Malpighi
Father of Cytology : Robert Hooke
Father of modern Cytology : Swanson
Father of Paleontology : Leonard da Vinci
Father of modern Paleontology : Cuvier
Father of Concept of Evolution: Empedocle
Father of Botany: Theophrastus
Father of Modern Botany : Bauhin
Father of Zoology : Aristotle
Father of Biochemistry : Liebig
Father of Epidemiology : John Snow
Father of Plant Pathology : de Bary
Father of Modern Pathology : Rudolf Virchow
Father of Genetic Engineering : Paul Berg
Father of Gene therapy : Anderson
Father of Ethology : Konard Lorentz
Father of Endocrinology : Thomas Addison
Father of Eugenics : Galton {Biology important points for NEET}
Father of Gerantology : Korenchevsk
Father of Palynology : Erdtman
Father of Stress physiology : Hans Selye
Father of Electrocardiography : Einthoven
Father of DNA Fingerprinting : Alec Jeffery
Father of Mycology : Micheli
Father of Bryology : Hedwig
Father of Phycology: William Henry Harvey
Father of ATP cycle: Lipmann
Father of Chemotherapy : Paul Erlich
Father of Anatomy : Herophilus
Father of Modern Anatomy : Andreas Vesalius
Father of actinobiology / radiation biology : HJVS Muller
Father of Homeopathy : Hahnemann
Father of Ayurveda : Charka {Biology important points for NEET}
Father of Surgery and Plastic Surgery : Susruta
Father of Blood circulation : William Harvey
Father of Medicine : Hippocrates
Father of Blood Group : Landsteiner
Father of Polio Vaccine : Jonas Salk
Father of Green Revolution : Norman Borlaug
🕴Human body for clas 11 and 12 NEET online education
😵 Stress :- Gamma waves
🤐 Quiet :- ß waves
🙂 Normal :- Alfa waves
😐 Quiet :- Theta (θ) waves
😩 Sleep time :- ρ waves {Biology important points for NEET}
The Earth Summit : held in Rio De Janeiro in 1992; the recommendations came into effect on 29th December 1993; In India, it came into effect in May 1994.
The World Summit : it was held in 2002 in Johannesberg, South Africa.
Jim Corbett National Park : established in 1936.
First Biosphere Reserve was established in 1986 in Nilgiri.
Chipko Movement : Started in 1974.
Biodiversity Act : it was passed in India in 2002. this act of parliament received assent of the president of India on 5th February 2003.
In India , the Air ( Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act came into force in 1981, but was amended in 1987 to include noise as an air pollutant.
Water (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act : 1974
Montreal Protocol : It was signed at Montreal (Canada) in 16th September 1987 (effective in 1989).
Joint Forest Management (JFM) : Introduced in India in 1980s.
Helsinki Declaration : May, 1989
Kyoto Protocol : December 1997
Beijing Protocol : 1999 {Biology important points for NEET}
World Environment Day : June 5
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