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Best App For NEET Preparation 2022 – 2023 Free & Paid

Best App For NEET Preparation

Best App For NEET Preparation :- Online study becomes the new trend for new generation because in online study students don’t need to go anywhere which helps them in providing more time for their self study. If you are here to know which are the best App for NEET Preperation in 2021 then let’s take a quick focus on what should we need in a app which makes your Neet preparation more and more easier.

  • Notes
  • Quiz
  • Test paper
  • Lectures
  • Doubt solution
  • Low cost or Free of cost
  • Amazing study materials
Best App For NEET Preparation
Best App For NEET Preparation

Best App For NEET Preparation in 2021 for Free and Paid

NOTE:- This post is not sponsored by any company so your can trust on me and choose your best app for NEET Preperation.

YouTube :- Best Free app with 10000+ Neet educators

YouTube is the oldest and most trusted App available on any App store with over thousands of educators and every educators are trying their best to gain subscribers (students) on their YouTube channel and that’s make this more competitive platform not only for students but also for educators.

About YouTube

Total Downloads :- 5B+

Total Rating :- 4.4 ⭐ out of 5

Available on :- Playstore, App Store and also have their own website.

Study materials:- Video Lectures

Physics Wallah :- Best Low cost paid App for NEET Preparation

Physics wallah is doing great these days. They have over 500000+ active students on their App who really trust physics wallah.

They have India’s best educators on their platform for NEET Preparation at very low cost.

About Physics Wallah

Total Downloads :- 10,000,000+

Total Rating :- 4.7 ⭐ out of 5

Available on :- Playstore and own website

Study materials :- Daily classes, Notes, Tet, Dpp, Books and important pdf

NEET EXAM BOOSTER :- Best all in one Free APP

If you don’t want to pay and get every kind of study materials for FREE the NEET EXAM BOOSTER should be the best choice for you for you free and best online preparation at one place.

NEET EXAM BOOSTER App is currently new on play store with 20,000+ active NEET aspirants live.


Total Downloads :- 35,000+

Total Rating :- 4.6 ⭐ out of 5

Available on :- Playstore and website

Study Materials :-

  • Daily Quiz
  • Notes
  • Flashcards
  • Question Banks
  • Previous Year Questions
  • DPP
  • Important Questions
  • Biology, Physics and Chemistry Tricks
  • Important PDF

Yes, NEET EXAM BOOTER app is capable of providing all of these these study materials in just one app and also for Totally FREE of cost.

How to Download NEET EXAM BOOSTER app for your neet preparation?

Go and search NEET EXAM BOOSTER on Playstore then star downloading.


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