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Plant kingdom Important Points For NEET

Plant kingdom Important Points
Plant kingdom Important Points

Plant kingdom Important Points: Plant Kingdom is a diverse group of the multicellular organisms that are characterized by their ability to produce their own food through the process of photosynthesis. They have the distinct features such as the roots, stems, leaves, and reproductive structures. The plants can be either vascular or nonvascular, with former having a specialized system for transportion of water and nutrients, while latter relies on the process of diffusion.

They are also either seed-bearing or spore-bearing, with former producing seeds that can grow into the new plants, and latter producing spores that can grow into new plants. Some of most well-known groups of the plants include flowering plants, ferns, mosses, and the conifers.

Plant Kingdom is a classification of the organisms that includes all the plants, from smallest mosses to tallest trees.
The plants are characterized by their ability to perform the process of photosynthesis, which involves conversion of the light energy into the chemical energy. They also have cell walls made of the cellulose and the root systems that allow them to absorb the water and the nutrients from the soil.

There are several different types of the plants, including the vascular plants (such as ferns, conifers, and flowering plants), the non-vascular plants (such as mosses and liverworts), and the algae (such as seaweed and pond scum).
The earliest plants evolved from the algae over 500 million years ago and played a major role in shaping Earth’s environment by producing the oxygen and stabilizing the soil.

Plant kingdom Important Points
Plant kingdom Important Points

Plants are essential for the life on Earth as they produce oxygen, provide food items and materials for the other organisms, and supports the entire ecosystems. They also play a significant role in the human societies, from providing the food and medicine to serving as symbols of beauty and the cultural significance.

Many species of the plants are threatened by the human activities, such as the deforestation, habitat destruction, and  introduction of the non-native species. Climate change also posses a significant threat to the plant species, as rising temperatures and changes in the precipitation patterns can disrupt the ecosystems and cause species to migrate or go extinct.

These are 25 Plant kingdom Important Points

Plant kingdom Important Points – NCERT Biology Class 11 Chapter 3

1. Plant kingdom is divided into vascular and the non-vascular plants.

2. Vascular plants posses a specialized transport system for the water and the nutrients, while the non-vascular plants rely on the process of diffusion.

3.Ferns, horsetails, and  club mosses are the examples of non-vascular plants.

4. Angiosperms and gymnosperms are the examples of the vascular plants.

5. Angiosperms have the seeds enclosed in a fruit, while the gymnosperms have seeds not enclosed in a fruit.

6. The leaf is main site of the photosynthesis in plants.

7. Stomata are pores on the leaves that controls the gas exchange and the water loss.

8. Roots absorbs the water and the minerals from soil and anchors the plant in place.

9. Stem supports  plant and transports water and the nutrients.

10. Flowers are the reproductive structures in case of angiosperms, while the cones are the reproductive structures in case of gymnosperms.

11. The process of pollination involves  transfer of the pollens from the male to the female reproductive structures.

12. The process of fertilization results in  formation of a seed, which contains a developing embryo.

13. The seeds can be dispersed in many different ways, such as wind, water, animals, and explosion.

14. Process of germination involves  growth of the embryo into a new plant.

15. The alternation of generations is a characteristic of  plant’s  life cycle, where a haploid gametophyte’s  generation alternates with the diploid sporophyte generation.

16. Cell walls, are made up of cellulose, provides structure and support for the plants.

17. Chlorophyll is a pigment in the plants that absorbs the light for the process of photosynthesis.

18. Xylem and phloem are  two types of vascular tissue in the plants that transports water and the nutrients.

19. Transpiration- It is a process by which the water is lost from the plants through the stomata of the leaf.

20. The process of photosynthesis converts the light energy into the chemical energy in the form of glucose.

21. Most of the plants reproduce sexually, although some can also reproduce asexually through the processes such as budding, fragmentation, and the vegetative propagation.

22.Climate, soil type, and the availability of water and light influences distribution of the plant species.

23. The plants plays a crucial role in ecosystem, producing oxygen and serving as food for the animals.

24.Humans use the plants for food, medicine, building materials, and for clothing.

25. Some of the plant species are endangered or  threatened due to habitat destruction, over-exploitation, and the introduction of the invasive species.

Plant kingdom Important Points, Plant kingdom Important Points, Plant kingdom Important Points, Plant kingdom Important Points

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